
Frazione Sfogliata 2 27040 Mornico Losana (PV)

How to reach us

The company is located in the fraction Sfogliata N. 2 of Mornico Losana, a small country on the Oltrepò Pavese hills between Broni and Casteggio

Coming from Piacenza/Stradella
Follow the signs for Voghera and follow the main road (SP10) until Verzate-Fumo; turn left at the signs for Mornico Losana which is about 5 km

Coming from Voghera/ Casteggio
Follow signs to Stradella and follow the main road (SP10) until Verzate-Fumo; turn right near the signs for Mornico Losana which is about 5 km

Coming from motorway
The nearest exit of is to Casteggio (A21 motorway) follow the signs to Stradella and follow the main road (SP10) until Verzate-Fumo; turn right near the signs for Mornico Losana which lies about 5 km

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